صرح عن {دَخْلِهِ أو مُمْتَلَكَاتِهِ الخاضِعَةِ لِلضّريبَةِ أو الرّسْمِ}
to make a statement of {one's taxable or dutiable property}
صرح عن {دَخْلِهِ أو مُمْتَلَكَاتِهِ الخاضِعَةِ لِلضّريبَةِ أو الرّسْمِ}
Résultats connexes
to be candid (v.)
to be frank (v.)
to be clear (v.)
to express freely (v.) , {oneself}
to speak out (v.)
to make clear (v.)
to clarify (v.)
to license (v.)
to admit (v.)
to allow (v.)
to permit (v.)
to elucidate (v.)
to explain (v.)
to clear (v.) , {up}
to tell (v.)
to state (v.)
to declare (v.) , [ declared ; declared ]
صرح {ب}
to announce (v.) , [ announced ; announced ]
tower (n.) , [pl. towers]
mansion (n.) , [pl. mansions]
to profess (v.) , [ professed ; professed ]
to authorize (v.) , [ authorized ; authorized ]