gracious [ more gracious ; most gracious ]
Résultats connexes
pliable (adj.) , [ more pliable ; most pliable]
to legitimate (v.)
سمح {لِـ أو بِـ}
generous (adj.) , [ more generous ; most generous]
kind (n.)
to suffer (v.) , [ suffered ; suffered ]
gracious (adj.)
to entitle (v.) , {to}
سمح {لِـ}
to empower (v.) , {to}
سمح {لِـ}
placable (adj.) , [ more placable ; most placable]
bounteous (adj.)
magnanimous (adj.) , [ more magnanimous ; most magnanimous]
to tolerate (v.) , [ tolerated ; tolerated ]
to let (v.)
to allow (v.) , [ allowed ; allowed ]
سمح {لِـ أو بِـ}
to permit (v.)
to authorize (v.) , {to}, [ authorized ; authorized ]
سمح {لِـ أو بِـ}