Aucune traduction exact pour
رَسَمَ شِعَارَات زَيَّنَ بِشِعَارَات

Résultats connexes
mottos (n.) , [pl. mottos / mottoes]
shibboleths (n.) , [sing. a shibboleth]
slogans (n.) , [sing. a slogan]
mottoes (n.) , [pl. mottos / mottoes]
logos (n.) , [sing. a logo]
emblems (n.) , [sing. an emblem]
watchwords (n.) , [sing. a watchword]
escutcheons (n.) , [sing. an escutcheon]
to embellish (v.) , {arts}, [ embellished ; embellished ]
to primp (v.) , [ primped ; primped ]
to filigree (v.) , [ filigreed ; filigreed ]
agreeable (adj.)
to candy (v.)
to improve (v.)
to refine (v.)
to sweeten (v.)
to sugar (v.)
to beautify (v.) , {arts}, [ beautified ; beautified ]
to bedeck (v.) , {arts}, [ bedecked ; bedecked ]
to adorn (v.) , {arts}, [ adorned ; adorned ]
beautiful (adj.) , [ more beautiful ; most beautiful]