data graphic (n.) , {Infor.}
رسم للبيانات {كمبيوتر}
Résultats connexes
data diagram (n.) , {Infor.}
to command (v.)
to consecrate (v.) , {a priest, bishop, etc.}
رسم {كاهِناً أو أُسْقُفاً إلخ}
to make plans (v.) , {draw, lay}
رسم {خُطّةً}
to portray (v.) , {arts}, [ portrayed ; portrayed ]
رسم {بِالكَلِمات}
to pencil (v.) , [ penciled {Am.} / pencilled ; penciled {Am.} / pencilled ]
to project (v.)
رسم {خُطّةً}
to ordain (v.)
رسم {كاهِناً أو أُسْقُفاً إلخ}
to formalize (v.) , [ formalized ; formalized ]
to describe (v.) , {a circle, etc.}, [ described ; described ]
رسم {بِالكَلِمات}
to depict (v.) , {arts}, [ depicted ; depicted ]
رسم {بِالكَلِمات}
to enjoin (v.)
to trace (v.) , {arts}
image (n.)
to decree (v.)
to prescribe (v.)