tambourine [pl. tambourines] , {music}
timbrel [pl. timbrels]
tambour [pl. tambours] , {music}
side [pl. sides]
tabor {music}
Résultats similaires
heat (n.) , [pl. heats] , {Med.}
دفأ {طب}
to be warm (v.) , {become, feel}
to be warm (v.) , {become, feel}
fervor (n.)
snugness (n.) , [pl. snugnesses]
to make hot (v.)
to warm (v.) , {up}, [ warmed ; warmed ]
to warms (v.) , [ warmed ; warmed ]
tepor {Med.}
دِفْء {طب}
heat (n.) , [pl. heats] , {Med.}
دفء {طب}
fervor (n.)
warmth (n.)
to warm (v.)
to warm (v.)
advocation (n.) , [pl. advocations] , {Sport}
دفاع {رياضة}
argument (n.) , {Sport}
دفاع {رياضة}
defense (n.) , [pl. defenses] , {Sport}
دفاع {عن}، {رياضة}