Résultats connexes
agitator {Med.}
trembling (adj.) , {Med.}
رجراج {طب}
tremulous (adj.) , {Med.}
shaking (adj.) , {Med.}
to roll out (v.) , {dough}
حور {العَجِينَ}
to distort (v.)
to pervert (v.)
to corrupt (v.)
to wrench (v.)
to twist (v.)
to falsify (v.)
to misstate (v.)
to convert (v.)
to bleach (v.)
poplar (n.) , [pl. poplars] , {Bot.}
حور {شَجَرٌ وخَشَبُهُ}، {نبات}
to change (v.) , [ changed ; changed ]
aspens (n.) , Pl.
to alter (v.)
to modify (v.)
to whiten (v.)
to blanch (v.)
to warp (v.)
poplars (n.) , [sing. a poplar]