incitement [pl. incitements]
inducement {Psych.}
حَضّ {علم نفس}
exhortation [pl. exhortations] , {feelings & emotions}
abetment {feelings & emotions}
to incite [ incited ; incited ]
to urge [ urged ; urged ]
to prechify {Relig.}
حَضَّ {دين}
to sermonize {Relig.}
حَضَّ {دين}
to exhorte {Relig.}
حَضَّ {دين}
to impel
to prod
to goad
Résultats similaires
urbanism (n.) , [sing. an urbanism]
to prepare (v.) , [ prepared ; prepared ]
to compose (v.) , [ composed ; composed ]
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to attend (v.) , [ attended ; attended ]