Résultats connexes
costly (adj.)
estimable (adj.) , [ more estimable ; most estimable ]
valuable (adj.) , [ more valuable ; most valuable]
invaluable (adj.) , [ more invaluable ; most invaluable ]
unvaluable (adj.) , [ more unvaluable ; most unvaluable ]
precious (adj.) , [ more precious ; most precious ]
valuable (adj.) , [ more valuable ; most valuable ]
asset (n.) , [pl. assets]
valuable (n.) , [pl. valuables]
jewel (n.) , [pl. jewels]
حجر {على}
حجر {على}
lap (n.) , [pl. laps] , {Ant.}
حجر {تشريح}
to prevent (v.) , {from}
حجر {على}
حجر {على}
حجر {على}
to ban (v.) , [ banned ; banned ]
to concrete (v.) , [ concreted ; concreted ]
placing someone under guardianship {after declaring him legally incompetent}
حجر {على}
to restrain (v.)
حجر {على}