mowing {Arch.}
جَزّ {هندسة}
cut {ting}, [ cut ; cut ] , {Arch.}
جز {هندسة}
shear {relations}, [ sheared / shore ; shorn / sheared ]
scissoring {Arch.}
جَزّ {هندسة}
scrap {Jorn.}
جَزّ {صحافة}
shearing {relations}
snip {relations}
to mow [ mowed ; mowed / mown ]
to clip {ping}
to fleece {wool}
to crop
to cut down {grass, etc.}
Résultats similaires
pan (n.) , {Infor.}
جزء {كمبيوتر}
section (n.) , [pl. sections] , {math.}
جزء {مِنْ بَرْنامَجٍ أو حَفْلَةٍ إلخ}، {رياضيات}
جزء {مُقْتَطَف}
module (n.) , [pl. modules]
جزء {مُقْتَطَف}
ingredient (n.) , [pl. ingredients]
canton (n.) , [pl. cantons]