touch prediction (n.) , {Infor.}
توقع اللمس {كمبيوتر}
Résultats connexes
to foresee (v.) , [ foresaw ; foreseen ]
to predict (v.) , [ predicted ; predicted ]
foretaste (n.) , [pl. foretastes]
prolepsis (n.) , [pl. prolepses]
prevision (n.) , [pl. previsions]
anticipation (n.) , [pl. anticipations]
to contemplate (v.) , [ contemplated ; contemplated ]
to await (v.) , [ awaited ; awaited ]
prospect (n.) , [pl. prospects] , {s}
contemplation (n.) , [pl. contemplations]
to anticipate (v.) , [ anticipated ; anticipated ]
prediction (n.) , {Infor.}
توقع {كمبيوتر}
to expect (v.) , [ expected ; expected ]
to forecast (v.) , [pl. forecasts] , {ing}
expectancy (n.) , [pl. expectancies]
text prediction (n.) , {Infor.}
توقع النص {كمبيوتر}