Résultats connexes
revelation Relig.
roman-fleuve (n.) , {Lit.}
سَرْد {أدب}
recounting. (n.) , {Lit.}
سَرْد {أدب}
relating (n.) , {Lit.}
سَرْد {أدب}
to report (v.)
to transmit (v.)
to pass on (v.)
to present (v.)
to set forth (v.)
to state (v.)
recounting (n.) , {Lit.}
سَرْد {أدب}
to cite (v.) , {from}, [ cited ; cited ]
relation (adj.) , [pl. relations] , {Lit.}
سرد {أدب}
quotation (n.) , [pl. quotations]
presentation (n.) , [pl. presentations]
narration (n.) , [pl. narrations]
enumeration (n.) , [pl. enumerations]
to recount (v.) , [ recounted ; recounted ]
recital (n.) , [pl. recitals]
to enumerate (v.) , [ enumerated ; enumerated ]
to list (v.) , [ listed ; listed ]