Résultats connexes
hive (n.) , [pl. hives]
hive (n.) , [pl. hives]
beehive (n.) , [pl. Beehives]
bee {s}
to slim (v.) , [ slimmed ; slimmed ]
to languish (v.) , [ languished ; languished ]
to emaciate (v.) , [ emaciated ; emaciated ]
to thin (v.)
strip {Arch.}
نحل {السن}، {هندسة}
to give (v.) , {to}
to ascribe wrongly or unduly to (v.) , {attribute, impute}
to grant (v.) , {to}
to make or give a present to (v.) , {gift, donation}
to waste away (v.)
to pine away (v.)
to weaken (v.) , [ weakened ; weakened ]
to donate (v.) , {to}, [ donated ; donated ]
melit- {Med.}