growth is power {Admin.}
النمو قوة {إدارة}
Résultats connexes
evolution (n.) , [pl. evolutions]
outgrowth (n.) , [pl. outgrowths]
buildup (n.) , [pl. buildups]
growth (n.) , [pl. growths]
development (n.) , [pl. developments]
نمو حراري {صناعة}
endogenous (adj.) , [ more endogenous ; most endogenous]
grown (adj.) , [ more grown ; most grown]
نمو خضري {زراعة}
prurient (adj.) , [ more prurient ; most prurient]
dysplasia (n.) , [pl. dysplasias]
viable (adj.) , [ more viable ; most viable]
balanced growth {Écon.}
نمو متوازن {اقتصاد}
fruity growth {Agr.}
نمو ثمري {زراعة}
overgrowth (n.) , [pl. overgrowths]
to abort (v.) , [ aborted ; aborted ]
to outgrow (v.) , [ outgrew ; outgrown ]