Resultados relevantes
jurist (n.) , [pl. jurists]
jurist (n.) , {educ.}
عالِم {تعليم}
jurist (n.) , {law}
أُصُولِيّ {قانون}
jurist (n.) , [pl. jurists]
jurist (n.) , [pl. jurists]
jurist (n.) , [pl. jurists] , {law}
حقوقي {قانون}
jurist (n.) , [pl. jurists]
jurist (n.) , [pl. jurists] , {law}
فقيه {قانون}
jurist act {law}
عمل قانوني {قانون}
to become (v.)
to become (v.)
to become (v.)
to become (v.)
انقلب {إلى}
to be or become (v.) , {implanted}
to be or become (v.) , {superabundant}
to be or become (v.) , {overfull}
to be or become (v.) , {overfull}
to be or become (v.) , {superabundant}
to be or become (v.) , {superabundant}
to be or become (v.) , {implanted}
to be or become (v.) , {implanted}
to be or become (v.) , {superabundant}
to become (v.)
to be or become (v.) , {overfull}