innocuous [ more innocuous ; most innocuous]
Resultados relevantes
maleficent (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
to injure (v.) , [ injured ; injured ]
to damage (v.) , [ damaged ; damaged ]
ضار {الضّاري}
truculent (adj.) , [ more truculent ; most truculent]
grim (adj.) , [ grimmer ; grimmest]
galling (adj.)
irritating (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
prejudicial (adj.) , [ more prejudicial ; most prejudicial ] , {account.}
ضار {محاسبة}
annoying (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
pestilential (adj.) , [ more pestilential ; most pestilential ]
malignant (adj.) , [ more malignant ; most malignant ]
voracious (adj.)
ضارٍ {الضّاري}
predacious (adj.)
ضارٍ {الضّاري}
to starve (v.) , {to death}
detrimental (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ more detrimental ; most detrimental ]
disadvantageous (adj.) , [ more disadvantageous ; most disadvantageous ]
ferocious (adj.) , [ more ferocious ; most ferocious]
ضارٍ {الضّاري}
fierce (adj.) , [ fiercer ; fiercest]
ضارٍ {الضّاري}
deleterious (adj.) , [ more deleterious ; most deleterious]