miscellaneous [ more miscellaneous ; most miscellaneous]
various {account.}
شتى {محاسبة}
different [ more different ; most different] , {account.}
شتى {محاسبة}
شتى {بـِ}
opposite {account.}
شَتَّى {محاسبة}
unfavourable {account.}
شَتَّى {محاسبة}
contrary {account.}
شَتَّى {محاسبة}
several {account.}
شَتَّى {محاسبة}
sundry {account.}
شَتَّى {محاسبة}
dissimilar {relations}
unlike {relations}
to hibernate [ hibernated ; hibernated ]
to winter {entertainment}
شتى {بِـ}
Resultados relevantes
Resultados similares
miscellaneous (adj.) , [ more miscellaneous ; most miscellaneous]
tirade (n.) , [pl. tirades]
curse (n.) , [pl. curses]
abuse (n.) , [pl. abuses] , {feelings & emotions}
vituperation (n.) , {feelings & emotions}