ساهٍ {السَّاهِي}
inattentive [ more inattentive ; most inattentive]
ساهٍ {السَّاهِي}
ساه {السّاهِي}
ساهٍ {السَّاهِي}
mindless {feelings & emotions}
ساهٍ {السَّاهِي}
ساه {السّاهِي}
ساه {السّاهِي}
ساه {السّاهِي}
ساه {السّاهِي}
ساه {السّاهِي}
ساه {السّاهِي}
ساه {السّاهِي}
Resultados similares
to participate (v.) , [ participated ; participated ]
up (adj.)
watcher (n.) , [pl. watchers]
to partake of (v.)
ساهم {في}
vigilant (adj.) , [ more vigilant ; most vigilant ]
to share in (v.)
ساهم {في}
sleeplessness (n.) , [pl. sleeplessnesses]
to partake (v.) , [ partook ; partaken ]
to draw lots (v.) , {with}
watchful (adj.) , [ more watchful ; most watchful ]
to take part in (v.)
ساهم {في}
insomniac (n.) , {psych.}
ساهد {علم نفس}
to contribute to (v.)
ساهم {في}
sleepless (adj.) , [ more sleepless ; most sleepless ]