re-refined oil {Pet. Eng.}
زيت ماد التكرير {هندسة بترولية}
Resultados relevantes
oil refinery {Pet. Eng.}
معمل تكرير الزيت {هندسة بترولية}
to sway (v.)
to be giddy (v.)
to roll (v.)
to swing (v.)
to be upset (v.)
to be shaken (v.)
to be moved (v.)
to stall (v.)
to delay (v.)
to put off (v.)
purification (n.) , [pl. purifications]
reiteration (n.) , [pl. reiterations]
rectification (n.) , [pl. rectifications]
تكرير {تقطير متكرر لتنقية السوائل}
repetition (n.) , [pl. repetitions]
refining {chem.}
تكرير {كمياء}
reprise (n.) , [pl. reprises]
refinement (n.) , [pl. refinements]