No se encontró una traducción exacta para
ذات الحلق

Resultados relevantes
to round (v.)
to take wing (v.)
to fly away (v.)
eardrop (n.) , {clothing}
fauces (n.) , {biol.}
حَلْق {أحياء}
to ferrule (v.)
to tower (v.)
to kite (v.) , [ kited ; kited ]
to upsoar (v.)
pharynx (n.) , [pl. pharynges / pharynxes] , {med.}
الحلق {طب}
to soar (v.) , [ soared ; soared ]
throat (n.) , [pl. throats] , {Auto.}
حلق {مخنق}، {سيارات}
guttur {throat}, {med.}
sphage {med.}
الحَلْق {مقدم الرقبة}، {طب}
earring (n.) , {jewellery & gems}
to aspire (v.) , [ aspired ; aspired ]
to fly (v.) , [ flew ; flown ]
gullet (n.) , {biol.}
حَلْق {أحياء}
to barber (v.)
to shave off (v.)
to circle (v.) , {in the air}
حلق {في الهَوَاء}