to outwear (v.) , [ outwore ; outworn ]
Resultados relevantes
gory (adj.) , [ gorier ; goriest]
to go on (v.)
to subsist (v.)
bloody (adj.) , [ bloodier ; bloodiest]
to persist (v.) , [ persisted ; persisted ]
to endure (v.) , [ endured ; endured ]
to continue (v.) , [ continued ; continued ]
to last (v.) , [ lasted ; lasted ]
to perpetuate (v.) , [ perpetuated ; perpetuated ]
to stay (v.) , {relations}
bleeding (adj.) , {med.}
دامٍ {الدَّامِي}، {طب}
most (adj.) , [ more ; most ]
to abound (v.) , [ abounded ; abounded ]
chummier (adj.) , [ chummier/more chummy ; chummiest/most chummy ]
to multiply (v.) , {math.}
أَكْثَرَ {رياضيات}