Resultados relevantes
coupling link {Eng.}
حلقة الوصل {أو القرن}، {هندسة}
connecting link {Elec. Eng.}
حلقة وصل {هندسة كهربائية}
to couple (v.) , {relations}
وَصَلَ {الشّيْءَ بِالشّيْء}
to conjoin (v.)
to integrate (v.)
to merge (v.)
to combine (v.)
to group (v.)
to traject (v.)
to collect (v.)
to round up (v.)
to gather (v.)
to tie (v.) , {in}
to pick (v.) , {up}
to ligate (v.)
to correlate (v.)
to come (v.)
to unite (v.)
to come to (v.)
juncture (n.) , [pl. junctures]