anterior pubic ligament of Cruveilhier {discus interpubicus}, {med.}
Resultados relevantes
adipose ligament of knee {of Cruveilhier}, {med.}
الرِّباطُ الشَّحْمِيُّ للرُّكْبَةِ لكرُوفييه {الثَّنْيَةُ الزَّليلِيَّةُ تَحْتَ الرَّضَفَة}، {طب}
transversocostal interosseous ligament of Cruveilhier {ligamentum capitis costae intra-articulare}, {med.}
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pubic ligament of Cowper {ligamentum inguinale}, {med.}
الرِّباطُ العانِيُّ لكُوبر {الرِّباطُ الأُرْبِيّ}، {طب}
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ligamentum pubocapsulare {ligamentum pubofemorale}, {med.}
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puborectal ligament {1.ligamentum puboprostaticum 2. ligamentum pubovesicale}, {med.}
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iliopectineal ligament {arcus iliopectineus}, {med.}
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inferior pubic ligament {1. ligamentum arcuatum pubis 2. ligamentum suspensorium ovarii}, {med.}
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iliopubic ligament {ligamentum inguinale}, {med.}
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pectineal part of inguinal ligament {ligamentum lacunare}, {med.}