medullary body of cerebellum {corpus medullare cerebelli}, {med.}
Resultados relevantes
medullary body of vermis {arbor vitae cerebelli}, {med.}
الجِسْمُ اللُّبِّيُّ فِي الدُّودَة {شَجَرَةُ الحَياةِ المُخَيخِيَّة}، {طب}
to answer (v.)
to carry out (v.)
medullar {med.}
to meet (v.)
to satisfy (v.)
pulpy (adj.) , [ pulpier ; pulpiest ] , {account.}
لُبي {محاسبة}
to gratify (v.)
to serve (v.)
to hear (v.)
to assent to (v.)
to assent (v.)
pithy (adj.) , [ more pithy/pithier ; most pithy/pithiest]
pulpal {med.}
to accept (v.) , [ accepted ; accepted ]
medullary {med.}
to grant (v.)
to accede to (v.)
to respond to (v.)
to fulfill (v.)
to agree to (v.)