Resultados relevantes
indictment (n.) , [pl. indictments] , {law}
اتهام {قانون}
accusation (n.) , [pl. accusations] , {law}
اتهام {قانون}
plaint (n.) , {law}
اِتِّهام {قانون}
impeachment (n.) , [pl. impeachments] , {law}
اتهام {قانون}
arraignment (n.) , [pl. arraignments]
imputation (n.) , [pl. imputations]
imputations (n.) , [sing. imputation]
denunciation (n.) , [pl. denunciations]
accusal (n.) , {law}
اتهام {قانون}
charge (n.) , [pl. charges] , {law}
اتهام {قانون}
count (n.) , [pl. counts] , {law}
اتهام {قانون}
countercharge (n.) , [pl. countercharges]
countercharge (n.) , [pl. countercharges]
giving the lie to {someone}
accusing of lying {someone}
chargeable (adj.) , [ more chargeable ; most chargeable ]
application (n.) , [pl. applications] , {law}
calling a liar {someone}
impeachable (adj.) , [ more impeachable ; most impeachable ]