wipe joint {d}, {Plumb.}
وصلة ممسوحة {وصلة (بين أنبوبي رصاص متداخلين) يمسح الرصاص السائل حولها}، {سباكة}
related Results
to wipe (v.) , {dry}, [ wiped ; wiped ]
نشف {بِمِنْشَفَةٍ}
to wipe (v.) , [ wiped ; wiped ]
to wipe up (v.)
to wipe up (v.)
wipe {Plumb.}
wipe {med.}
to wipe (v.) , [ wiped ; wiped ]
to wipe (v.) , [ wiped ; wiped ]
wipe (n.) , [pl. wipes]
wipe (n.) , [pl. wipes]
ممسحة {لِتَنْظِيفِ أَرْضِ الغُرْفَة}
to wipe out (v.)
to wipe out (v.)
to wipe out (v.)
to wipe out (v.)
to wipe out (v.)
to wipe off (v.)
to wipe off (v.)
to wipe out (v.)
to wipe out (v.)