related Results
scapulohumeral type {progressive spinal muscular atrophy}, {med.}
نَمَطٌ كَتِفِيٌّ عَضُدِيّ {الضُّمورُ العَضَلِيُّ النُّخاعِيُّ المُتَرَقِّي}، {طب}
to atrophy (v.)
to atrophy (v.)
to atrophy (v.)
to atrophy (v.)
atrophy {cerebral}, med.
to atrophy (v.) , {med.}
to atrophy (v.)
atrophy (n.) , [pl. atrophies] , {med.}
هزال {طب}
to atrophy (v.)
to atrophy (v.) , {med.}
أضمر {طب}
atrophy (n.) , [pl. atrophies] , {med.}
ضمور {نقص حجم العضو أو الخلية}، {طب}
to atrophy (v.)
to atrophy (v.)
to atrophy (v.)
atrophy (n.) , {med.}
نحول {طب}
to atrophy (v.)
to atrophy (v.)
to atrophy (v.)
pulp atrophy {med.}
ضُمورُ اللُّبِّ {السِّنِّي}، {طب}