related Results
barbed (adj.) , [ more barbed ; most barbed ]
barbed wire {ind.}
سلك شائك {صناعة}
to broach (v.)
to broach (v.)
عرض {سُؤَالاً, قَضِيّةً, فِكْرَةً, مَوْضُوعاً إلخ}
broach {med.}
شَوكَة {آَلَةٌ لِتَنْظيفِ جَذورِ الأَسْنان; أسنان}، {طب}
broach (n.) , [pl. broaches]
broach (n.) , {instruments & machines}
to broach (v.) , [ broached ; broached ]
broach (n.) , [pl. broaches]
to broach (v.) , [ broached ; broached ]
to broach (v.) , [ broached ; broached ]
to broach (v.) , [ broached ; broached ]
broach (n.) , {instruments & machines}