No exact translation found for
وسيلة للتفاهم

related Results
oralism {med.}
التَّفاهُمُ بالفَم {طريقة لتعليم الصم}، {طب}
to understand (v.) , [ understood ; understood ]
understanding (n.) , [pl. understandings]
to reach an understanding or agreement (v.) , {come to, bring about}
تفاهم {على}
to arrange (v.)
تفاهم {على}
to settle (v.)
تفاهم {على}
accord (n.) , [pl. accords]
agreement (n.) , [pl. agreements]
to come to an agreement (v.) , {reach, bring about}
to agree (v.)
amity (n.) , [pl. amities]
imbroglio (n.) , [pl. imbroglios / imbroglii]
dactylology (n.) , [pl. dactylologies]
misapprehension (n.) , [pl. misapprehensions]