altarpiece (n.) , [pl. altarpieces]
related Results
butchery (n.) , [pl. butcheries] , {Places}
slaughterhouse (n.) , [pl. slaughterhouses] , {relations}
chancel (n.) , [pl. chancels] , {relig.}
مذبح {دين}
abattoir (n.) , [pl. abattoirs] , {relations}
altar (n.) , [pl. altars]
مذبح {الكَنِيسَةِ}
ara {The Altar}, {astron.}
المذبح {كوكبة نجوم صغيرة جنوبي ذنب العقرب}، {فضاء وعلوم طيران}
shambles (n.) , {relations}
chancel (n.) , [pl. chancels]
altarpiece (n.) , [pl. altarpieces]
sculpture (n.) , [pl. sculptures] , {arts}
dabbing {Build.}
نقش {الحجر}، {بناء}
to carve (v.) , {arts}, [ carved / carven ; carved ]
to chase (v.) , [ chased ; chased ] , {ind.}
نقش {صناعة}
to emblazon (v.) , [ emblazoned ; emblazoned ]
to enchase (v.) , [ enchased ; enchased ]
to nidge (v.) , {Build.}
نقش {الحجر}، {بناء}
to paint (v.)
carving (n.) , {arts}
to grave (v.) , {arts}, {Eng.}
نَقَشَ {هندسة}
to chisel (v.)
to sink (v.) , {Eng.}
نَقَشَ {هندسة}
to inscribe (v.) , {arts}, [ inscribed ; inscribed ] , {Eng.}
نقش {هندسة}