choreographer (n.) , [pl. choreographers]
related Results
morbus saltatorius {chorea}, {med.}
jigs (n.) , [sing. a jig]
dance (n.) , [pl. dances]
dancing {with}
رقص {مَع}
choreography (n.) , [pl. choreographies]
to dance (v.) , [ danced ; danced ]
choreography (n.) , {arts}
chorea {med.}
رَقَص {طب}
to jive (v.) , [ jived ; jived ]
رَقَصٌ دوبينِيّ {رَقَصٌ كهربي حاد مميت تلو مرض عصبي مركزي}، {طب}
fibrillary chorea {paramyoclonus}, {med.}
رَقَصٌ لُيَيفِيّ {نَظيرُ الرَّمَعِ العَضَلِي}، {طب}
to jive (v.) , [ jived ; jived ]
terpsichorean (adj.) , {arts}, [ more terpsichorean ; most terpsichorean]
dancing chorea {saltatory chorea}, {med.}