related Results
trapezoid bone of Lyser {os trapezium}, {med.}
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Garre's osteitis {sclerosing nonsuppurative osteomyelitis}, {med.}
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Garre's osteomyelitis {sclerosing nonsuppurative osteomyelitis}, {med.}
الْتِهابُ العَظْمِ و النِّقْيِ بحَسَبِ غار {الْتِهابُ العَظْمِ والنِّقْيِ اللاَّقَيحِيُّ المُصَلِّب}، {طب}
Civinini's process of external pterygoid plate {processus pterygospinous}, {med.}
pelvic osteotomy {pubiotomy}, {med.}
قَطْعُ العَظْمِ الحَوضِيّ {قَطْعُ العَظْمِ العَانِيِّ}، {طب}
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