related Results
erectile (adj.) , {biol.}
orthotonos position {orthotonos}, {med.}
وَضْعِيَّةُ التَّوَتُّرِ الاِنْتِصابِيّ {تَشَنُّجٌ اِسْتِقامِيّ}، {طب}
idiopathic orthostatic hypotension {orthostatic hypotension}, {med.}
نَقْصُ ضَغْطِ الدَّمِ الاِنْتِصابِيُّ المَجْهُوْلُ السَّبَب {نَقْصُ ضَغْطِ الدَّمِ الاِنْتِصابِيّ}، {طب}
to sleep with (v.)
to come upon (v.)
to hit (v.)
to overwhelm (v.)
to afflict (v.)
to befall (v.)
to overspread (v.)
to visit (v.)
to lie with (v.)
syncope {med.}
غَشْي {طب}
lipsis animi {syncope}, {med.}
غَشْي {طب}
to wrap up (v.)
to envelop (v.)
to cover (v.)
to veil (v.)
to blur (v.)
to mount (v.)