related Results
to make a statement of (v.) , {one's taxable or dutiable property}
صرح عن {دَخْلِهِ أو مُمْتَلَكَاتِهِ الخاضِعَةِ لِلضّريبَةِ أو الرّسْمِ}
to proclaim (v.) , {relations}, [ proclaimed ; proclaimed ]
to profess (v.) , [ professed ; professed ]
to intimate (v.) , [ intimated ; intimated ]
to admit (v.)
castle (n.)
to authorize (v.) , [ authorized ; authorized ]
to tell (v.)
to meld (v.) , [ melded ; melded ]
to declare (v.) , [ declared ; declared ]
صرح {ب}
to express (v.)
to bid (v.)
mansion (n.) , [pl. mansions]
to pronounce (v.)
tower (n.) , [pl. towers]
to affirm (v.)
to state (v.)
to announce (v.) , [ announced ; announced ]
to declare (v.)
صرح عن {دَخْلِهِ أو مُمْتَلَكَاتِهِ الخاضِعَةِ لِلضّريبَةِ أو الرّسْمِ}
to be frank (v.)
to be candid (v.)
to make clear (v.)
to explain (v.)
to clarify (v.)
to clear (v.) , {up}
to elucidate (v.)