No exact translation found for
علي بن أبي طالب

related Results
proud (adj.) , {relations}
to veto (v.) , [ vetoed ; vetoed ] , {pol.}
أبى {سياسة}
to disdain (v.)
to scorn (v.)
to spurn (v.)
to reject (v.) , {relations}
to refuse (v.) , [ refused ; refused ]
to repudiate (v.) , {relations}
disdainful (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
haughty (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
to deny (v.)
to decline (v.) , [ declined ; declined ]
to turn down (v.)
lofty (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
contemptuous (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
constringence {Light.}
الرقم الآبي {معكوس قدرة التشتيت للمادة}، {ضوء}