related Results
meteor shower {astron.}
وابل شهب {فضاء وعلوم طيران}
meteors (n.) , [sing. a meteor]
meteorites (n.) , [sing. a meteorite]
stony meteorites {astron.}
نيازك حجرية {فضاء وعلوم طيران}
to understand (v.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ understood ; understood ] , {educ.}
علم {تعليم}
to discern (v.)
to hear of (v.)
cheilognathus {harelip}, {med.}
عَلَم {طب}
to recognize (v.)
to come to know (v.) , {about}
to find out (v.) , {about}
to find out (v.) , {about}
to come to know (v.) , {about}
to belehren (v.)
cognizance (n.) , [pl. cognizances] , {educ.}
علم {تعليم}
calligraphy (n.) , {professions}, {educ.}
علم الخط {تعليم}
banner (n.) , [pl. banners] , {educ.}
علم {تعليم}
medicine (n.) , [pl. medicines]