related Results
wedges (n.) , [sing. a wedge]
pegs (n.) , [sing. a peg]
pickets (n.) , [sing. a picket]
epithelial pegs {rete ridges}, {med.}
أَوتادٌ ظِهارِيَّة {الحُروفُ الشَّبَكِيَّة}، {طب}
to hedge (v.)
to straiten (v.)
to hem in (v.)
to shut in (v.)
to mark off (v.)
to beset (v.)
to constrain (v.)
to encompass (v.)
to embrace (v.)
to environ (v.)
to restrain (v.)
to enclose (v.)
to fix (v.)
to set (v.)
to pinpoint (v.)
to itemize (v.)
to designate (v.)