to signalize (v.) , [ signalized ; signalized ]
related Results
to talk to (v.)
wooer (n.) , [pl. wooers]
suitor (n.) , {law}
خاطب {قانون}
to speak (v.) , [ spoke / spake ; spoken ]
to address (v.) , [ addressed ; addressed ]
to speak to (v.)
betrothed (adj.) , {relations}
fiance (n.) , [pl. fiances] , {relations}
to bespeak (v.) , [ bespoke / bespake ; bespoken / bespoke ]
engaged (adj.) , {relations}
to sass (v.) , [ sassed ; sassed ]
to phone (v.) , [ phoned ; phoned ]
to soliloquize (v.) , [ soliloquized ; soliloquized ]
reminiscing (n.) , {mil.}
mention (n.) , [pl. mentions] , {ing}, {mil.}
إشارة {إلى}، {جيش}
symbol (n.) , {mil.}
reminiscence (n.) , {mil.}
specification {mil.}
إِشَارَة {إلى}، {جيش}
referring {to}, {mil.}
إِشَارَة {إلى}، {جيش}
checkmark (n.) , Sing., {mil.}
إشارة {جيش}