hill [pl. hills] , {geogr.}
تل {جغرافيا}
mound [pl. mounds] , {mil.}
تل {جيش}
foothill [pl. foothills]
tulle {clothing}
drumlin [pl. drumlins]
butte [pl. buttes]
elevation {geogr.}
تَلّ {جغرافيا}
highlandf {geogr.}
تَلّ {جغرافيا}
tableland {geol.}
تَلّ {جيولوجيا}
similar Results
to follow (v.) , [ followed ; followed ]
spring {from}
to succeed (v.) , {relations}
to from (v.)
to recite (v.) , [ recited ; recited ]
to arise from (v.)
to ensue from (v.)
to say (v.)
to result (v.) , {from}
to read (v.) , [ read ; read ]
to stem (v.)
to ensue (v.) , {from}, [ ensued ; ensued ]