No exact translation found for
توافُق ثُنائي

related Results
to agree (v.) , {with}, [ agreed ; agreed ]
توافق {مَع}
to correspond (v.) , {with or to}, [ corresponded ; corresponded ]
توافق {مَع}
to harmonize (v.) , {with}, [ harmonized ; harmonized ]
توافق {مَع}
homography {math.}
توافق {رياضيات}
hand fit {Eng.}
concord (n.) , {ance}
driving fit {Eng.}
driving fit {Eng.}
توافق دق {هندسة}
conformability {geol.}
توافق {جيولوجيا}
harmony (n.) , [pl. harmonies]
unconformity (n.) , {geol.}
لا توافق {بسبب الترسيب المتقطع; الطبقات}، {جيولوجيا}
to be commensurate (v.) , {with}
compliance {comp.}
التوافق {كمبيوتر}
adjustment (n.) , [pl. adjustments]
agreement (n.) , [pl. agreements] , {in opinion or design}
chime (n.) , [pl. chimes]