related Results
ancestry (n.) , {hist.}
نسب {تاريخ}
to trace to (v.) , {back}
attribution (n.) , [pl. attributions] , {hist.}
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ascribing {hist.}
نسب {تاريخ}
attributing {hist.}
نسب {تاريخ}
to attribute (v.) , [ attributed ; attributed ] , {hist.}
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affinity (n.) , [pl. affinities] , {relations}, {hist.}
نسب {تاريخ}
to impute (v.)
نسب {إلى}
parentage (n.) , [pl. parentages] , {hist.}
نسب {تاريخ}
propinquity (n.) , [pl. propinquities] , {hist.}
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parent (n.) , [pl. parents] , {hist.}
نسب {تاريخ}
to impute to (v.)
to refer (v.) , [ referred ; referred ] , {hist.}
نسب {تاريخ}
kin (n.) , {hist.}
نسب {تاريخ}
line (n.) , {relations}, {hist.}
نَسَب {تاريخ}
lineage (n.) , [pl. lineages] , {hist.}
نسب {تاريخ}
rates (n.) , [sing. a rate] , {hist.}
نسب {تاريخ}
kinship (n.) , [pl. kinships] , {hist.}
نسب {تاريخ}