No exact translation found for
الجسد الأثيري

related Results
aerial (adj.) , [ more aerial ; most aerial ]
ethereal (adj.) , [ more ethereal ; most ethereal ] , {relig.}
أثيري {دين}
to symbolize (v.) , [ symbolized ; symbolized ]
to figure (v.)
to personify (v.) , [ personified ; personified ] , {lit.}
جسد {أدب}
to humanize (v.)
to materialize (v.) , [ materialized ; materialized ]
corporeality (n.) , [pl. corporealities]
body (n.) , [pl. bodies]
to embody (v.) , [ embodied ; embodied ]
flesh (n.)
to express (v.) , [ expressed ; expressed ]
to incarnate (v.) , [ incarnated ; incarnated ]
soma (n.)
جسد [ج. أَجْساد]
to substantiate (v.) , [ substantiated ; substantiated ]
diplosomatia {diplosomia}, {med.}
ازْدِواجُ الجَسَد {الْتِصاقُ التَوأَمَين}، {طب}
cytosome {med.}
جَسَدُ الخَلِيَّة {مِنْ دونِ نَواتِها}، {طب}