wipe [pl. wipes]
wipe [pl. wipes]
ممسحة {لِتَنْظِيفِ أَرْضِ الغُرْفَة}
to wipe [ wiped ; wiped ]
to wipe [ wiped ; wiped ]
to wipe {dry}, [ wiped ; wiped ]
نشف {بِمِنْشَفَةٍ}
to wipe [ wiped ; wiped ]
wipe {Plumb.}
wipe {Med}
relevante Treffer
to wipe out (v.)
to wipe out (v.)
to wipe up (v.)
to wipe up (v.)
to wipe out (v.)
to wipe-out (v.)
wipe joint {d}, {Plumb.}
وصلة ممسوحة {وصلة (بين أنبوبي رصاص متداخلين) يمسح الرصاص السائل حولها}، {سباكة}
to wipe out (v.)
to wipe out (v.)
to wipe out (v.)