overrun [pl. overruns]
overrun [pl. overruns] , {ning}
overrun {relations}, {Pol}
اِكْتِساح {سياسة}
overrun {relations}, {Pol}
إِجَاحَة {سياسة}
overrun {relations}, {Pol}
غَزْو {سياسة}
to overrun {household}, [ overran ; overrun ]
to overrun [ overran ; overrun ]
to overrun {household}, [ overran ; overrun ]
to overrun [ overran ; overrun ]
to overrun [ overran ; overrun ]
to overrun {household}
overrun {Typog.}
دور {نقل الكلمات من آخر سطر إلى أول الآخر لتنظيم الصفحة المطبوعة; الأسطر}، {طباعة}
overrun {Landwirt.}
overrun {Wirt}
تَخَطٍّ {اقتصاد}
relevante Treffer
cost overrun {Wirt}
ähnliche Treffer
overruns (n.) , [sing. an overrun]
overrunning (n.) , {relations}
overrunning (n.) , {relations}
overrunning (n.) , {relations}
قابض فاصل {للمحرك}، {سيارات}