contact strip {Elec. Eng.}
شريحة تجميع {هندسة كهربائية}
relevante Treffer
strip {area}
خط الطيران {مساحة}
to strip (v.)
to strip (v.)
strip (n.) , {jorn.}
بِطَاقَة {صحافة}
strip (n.) , {jorn.}
تَذْكَرَة {صحافة}
to strip (v.)
to strip of (v.)
to strip (v.)
to strip of (v.)
strip (n.)
to strip (v.)
to strip of (v.)
to strip of (v.)
to strip (v.)
to strip (v.)
to strip of (v.)
ابتز {مِنْ}
to strip (v.) , {of}
to strip (v.) , {of}
to strip of (v.)
بلص {ـهُ مِنْ مالِهِ}
to strip (v.)
to strip (v.)
to strip (v.)
to strip of (v.)