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Stand des Zählers

relevante Treffer
main des trenchèes {trench hand}, {Med}
داءُ السِّيقان {داءٌ زارِعي الرُّزّ}، {طب}
to stand (v.)
انتصب {على قَدَمَيْه}
to stand (v.)
to stand by (v.)
وفى {بِوَعْدِهِ, بِعَهْدِهِ إلخ}
to stand by (v.)
to stand up (v.)
to stand by (v.)
to stand by (v.)
to stand (v.)
to stand by (v.)
to stand (v.) , {before}
مثل {بَيْنَ يَدَيْه}