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نَبْتَةُ البَنْج

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Hyoscyamus {Med}
نَبْتَةُ البَنْج {جنس نبات من الفصيلة الباذنجانية}، {طب}
shoot (n.) , [pl. shoots]
plant (n.) , [pl. plants] , {Botanik}
نبتة {نبات}
seedling (n.) , [pl. seedlings]
sprout (n.) , [pl. sprouts]
cotyledon (n.) , [pl. cotyledons]
doped (adj.) , {Med}
بَنْج {طب}
numbing (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}, {Med}
بَنْج {طب}
somnifacient (n.) , {Med}
بَنْج {طب}
somniferous (adj.) , {Med}
بَنْج {طب}
to drug (v.) , {Med}
drugged (adj.) , {Med}
بَنْج {طب}
sleepy (adj.) , {Med}
بَنْج {طب}
soporific (n.) , {Med}
بَنْج {طب}
to stupefy (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
torporific (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
to dope (v.) , {Med}
to narcotize (v.) , [ narcotized ; narcotized ]
nightshade (n.) , [pl. nightshades]
anesthetic (n.) , {Med}
بنج {طب}
henbane (n.) , [pl. henbanes]