Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
شَرابُ العِشْق

relevante Treffer
philter {Med}
شَرابُ العِشْق {مادة تثير الشهوة أو الشهية}، {طب}
love (n.) , [pl. loves] , Sing.
amor {Med}
عِشْق {طب}
amorousness (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
to interlock (v.)
عشق {تروس الآلة}
pitch {mar.}
عشق {بحرية}
passion (n.) , [pl. passions]
to connect (v.)
to dovetail (v.)
infatuation (n.) , [pl. infatuations]
to love (v.) , [ loved ; loved ]
to join (v.)
heat (n.) , [pl. heats]
to desire (v.) , [ desired ; desired ]
to adore (v.) , [ adored ; adored ]
adoration (n.) , [pl. adorations]
to couple (v.)
to engage (v.)