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يعاني من الخرف

relevante Treffer
dyslexic (adj.) , [ more dyslexic ; most dyslexic]
maladaptive (adj.) , [ more maladaptive ; most maladaptive]
to dote (v.) , {Med}
to rave (v.) , {sounds}
to dot (v.)
aphrenia {dementia}, {Med}
خَرَف {طب}
dement {Med}
خَرِف [ج. خَرِفُون] ، {مصاب بالخَرَف}، {طب}
demented {Med}
خَرِف {طب}
childishness (n.) , {Bio.}
خَرَف {بيولوجيا}
gaga (adj.) , [ more gaga ; most gaga]
senility (n.) , [pl. senilities] , {Bio.}
خرف {بيولوجيا}
senile (adj.) , [ more senile ; most senile] , {Med}
خرف {طب}
childish (adj.)
dotage (n.) , [pl. dotages] , {Med}
خرف {طب}
dotard (n.) , {Med}
خرف {طب}
silly (adj.)