Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
نقل الشحنات

relevante Treffer
shipments (n.) , [sing. a shipment]
deliveries {Wirt}
شحنات {اقتصاد}
consignments (n.) , [sing. a consignment]
like charges {elect.}
remotion (n.) , [pl. remotions]
to lift (v.)
to take away (v.)
removal (n.) , [pl. removals]
portage (n.) , [pl. portages]
to carry away (v.)
to transmute (v.)
to impart (v.) , [ imparted ; imparted ]
نقل {المعرفة}
to transform (v.)
to communicate (v.) , {to}, [ communicated ; communicated ]
to carry (v.) , {along}, [ carried ; carried ]
to convert (v.)
to alter (v.)
to pass on (v.)
to lade (v.)
نقل {المركب}
transfusion (n.) , [pl. transfusions] , {Med}