locus niger syndrome {paralysis agitans}, {Med}
مُتَلاَزِمَةُ المَوضِعِ الأَسْوَد {الشَّلَلُ الرَّعَّاش}، {طب}
relevante Treffer
locus niger {substantia nigra}, {Med}
المَوْضِعُ الأَسْوَد {المادَّةُ السَوداء}، {طب}
to become black (v.) , {grow, turn}
deep-black (adj.) , {colours}
darky (n.) , {peoples & races}
to darken (v.)
melanic {Med}
negress (n.) , {peoples & races}
negroid (n.) , {peoples & races}
nigger (n.) , {peoples & races}
black (n.) , [pl. blacks]
pitch-black (adj.) , {colours}
to black (v.) , {colours}
raven (adj.)
black {colours}
dark (adj.) , {colours}
to blacken (v.) , {colours}
coon (n.) , {peoples & races}
to be dark or black (v.) , {become, grow}
darkey (n.) , {peoples & races}